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[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner el_class=”client-center”][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Our goal at EPC is to help you achieve and maintain a healthy and safe workforce environment. Drug and alcohol testing is critical tool in achieving that goal. At EPC we offer comprehensive compliance, consulting, training and drug and alcohol testing services.
All EPC drug and alcohol test tests can be fully integrated with our background screening services through a single interface, giving you much-needed visibility across your hiring and retention needs, saving you time, and better managing costs with a closed-loop solution.
Department of Transportation (DOT) and Non DOT
- Pre-Employment and Random Testing
- 24/7 Post Accident Testing
- 24/7 Reasonable Suspicion Testing
- Return to Duty & Follow-Up Testing
- MRO Services and Support
- Random Selection Program Management
- Consortium Management
- Electronic Scheduling &CCFs (paperless)
- On-site testing
- Nation-wide network of labs and collection sites
- Drug Free Workplace Programs
- Drug Free Workplace Policies
- Drug Free Workplace Training Drug Free Workplace
- Supervisor and Employee Training
Types of Drug and Alcohol Testing
- Urine Screening: Drugs and Alcohol
- Oral Swab Testing: Drugs and Alcohol
- Breath Alcohol
- Court Ordered Drug Testing
- Instant Testing (POCT)
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) approved labs
- Evidential Breath Alcohol Measurement Device approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Technology / Software
- On-Line System (scheduling and reporting)
- e-mail and Fax Reporting
- Electronic Scheduling &CCFs (paperless)
- On-Line retrieval of Documents (Results, CCF, etc)
- Automated Random Testing
- Consortium Management
- Real Time Status Updates
TPA (Third Party Administrator)
- Coordination of the entire drug testing program nationwide
- Customized Solutions
As a member of the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA), EPC complies with established standards of drug and health screening quality.
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